The relationship relation is established between the Tbilisi Centre for Mathematical Sciences and the Vision Science Research Sdn Bhd
Advanced Studies: Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal
(ASETMJ) is the continuation of the Tbilisi Mathematical Journal founded in 2008. Under this new name the journal was relaunched in September 2021 to reflect the increase of its standards and broadening of its coverage.
ASETMJ is a fully refereed mathematical journal accepting original high-quality research papers in all areas of pure and applied mathematics, also publishing special issues as regular issues of the journal. It belongs to the Tbilisi Centre for Mathematical Sciences
and it is supported by the Georgian Mathematical Union and the European Mathematical Society.
ASETMJ is published free of charge, and it is indexed or reviewed by the following services:
- MathSciNet – Mathematical Reviews
- Zentralblatt Math
- Scopus – Elsevier
- Science Citation Index Expanded: Clarivate Analytics – Web of Science
Journal Citation Reports: Clarivate Analytics – Journal Impact Factor - Google Scholar
- Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory/Ulrichsweb
- EBSCO(relevant databases)
- Project Euclid
Submission of papers is handled by EditFlow.
To assist you in enhancing the quality of your submissions to our journals, eContent Pro Editorial & Publishing Services is offering a 25% discount on their Standard Editorial Package, which includes reorganizing sentence structure, verifying citations to references, and formatting your manuscript according to our journal’s guidelines. To take advantage of this 25% discount, please click here: Standard Editorial Package.
For the publication in the Journal ASETMJ, there are two options:
1) free of charge with subscriptions,
2) in open access model with APC fees, be published immediately after confirmation of the payment.
The Tbilisi Center for Mathematical Sciences is in a referred-based partnership relationship with
eContent Pro Editorial & Publishing Services
Electronic Book – (Lulu.html)
Founding Editor
Hvedri Inassaridze