Advanced Studies:
Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal
ISSN Online
2667 - 9930

Editorial Interests

          • Hvedri Inassaridze
            Homotopical algebra, K-theory, non-commutative geometry.
          • George Janelidze
            Category theory, Galois theory.
          • Diana Rodelo
            Categorical Algebra, Mal’tev and Goursat categories.
          • Emzar Khmaladze
            Homological and homotopical algebra, algebraic structures in computer sciences, mathematical cryptography
          • Alan Stefano Cigoli
            category theory, fibrations, crossed modules, groupoids, obstruction theory

          • Tim Van der Linden
            categorical algebra; categorical Galois theory; (co)homology of non-abelian algebraic structures; commutator theory, central extensions; homotopical algebra, Quillen model structures.
          • Alan Stefano Cigoli
            category theory, fibrations, crossed modules, groupoids, obstruction theory
          • Diana Rodelo
            Categorical Algebra, Mal’tev and Goursat categories.
          • Malkhaz Bakuradze
            Algebraic topology, cobordism theory, Morava K-theory.
          • Vladimer Baladze
            Dimension theory, geometric topology, algebraic topology, theory of continuous transformations groups.
          • John Ball
            Elasticity theory, calculus of variations, infinite-dimensional
            dynamical systems.
          • Peter Bates
            Infinite-dimensional dynamical systems,
            nonlinear elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations, phase transitions, mathematical biology.
          • Guram Bezhanishvili
            Topology, Algebra, Categories in Logic.
          • Victor Buchstaber
            Algebraic topology, groups actions, functional equations, abelian functions in mathematical physics.
          • Dan Burghelea
            Differential topology, geometric analysis, K-theory.
          • Olivia Caramello
            topos theory and its applications.
          • Alberto Cattaneo
            Symplectic and Poisson geometry, homotopical algebra in
            mathematical physics.
          • Christophe Cheverry
            Linear and nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations, propagation of singularities, nonlinear geometric optics.
          • Vasily Dolgushev
            Homotopy algebras, noncommutative geometry, category,
            and mathematical physics.
          • Roland Duduchava Boundary value problems for PDEs, Equations of mathematical physics, Singular integral equations, Convolution equations.
          • Joanna Ellis-Monaghan Graph theory and its application, algebraic combinatorics, and mathematics education.
          • Sandra S. Ferreira Applied statistics; computational mathematical methods; distribution theory; health data; data on medical benefits in health; health trend analysis; linear models; prediction; statistical inference

          • Wojciech Gajda
            Arithmetic algebraic geometry, algebraic K-theory, number theory.
          • Ross Geoghegan
            Topology and geometric group theory.
          • Gia Giorgadze
            Quantum computing, control of quantum systems.
          • José Gómez-Torrecillas:
            Coding theory, computational algebra.
          • Marco Grandis
            Category theory, homotopy theory.
          • John E. Harper
            Homotopy theory, algebraic topology,
            structured ring spectra, Goodwillie calculus.
          • Nick Inassaridze
            Homological and homotopical algebra, cyclic homology, cryptography, machine learning,
            steganography and watermarking, applied algebra.
          • Palle E. T Jorgensen
            functional analysis, operator algebras, harmonic analysis, applied:
            mathematical physics (quantum theory), engineering
            (signal/image processing), and statistics (Gaussian processes).
          • Giorgi Khimshiashvili
            Topology, real algebraic geometry, singularity theory, nonlinear analysis.
          • Manfred Kolster
            Algebraic number theory, algebraic K-theory.
          • Mark Kon
            Mathematical physics, functional analysis, mathematical learning theory.
          • Pekka Koskela
            Geometric analysis
          • Benedikt Löwe
            Mathematical logic, foundations of mathematics, mathematical foundations of computer science.
          • Bachuki Mesablishvili
            Categorical methods in computer sciences, computational algebra.
          • Preda Mihailescu
            Algorithmic number theory, biometry and security.
          • David Natroshvili
            Theory of elasticity, wave propagation (scattering) problems, potential theory and integral equations, equations of mathematical physics.
          • Ryszard Nest
            Homological algebra, Non-commutative geometry, K-theory.
          • Francesco Pappalardi
            Analytic number theory.
          • Roger Plymen
            Non-commutative geometry, representation theory.
          • Gerhard Roehrle
            Algebraic Lie theory, algebraic groups, representation theory, hyperplane arrangements.
          • Yuli RudyakApplied and Numerical Linear Algebra
          • Daniel B. Szyld
            Algebraic topology, differential topology, symplectic topology.
          • Ivane Tsereteli
            Dimension theory of topological spaces, general topology.
          • Vladimir Verchinine
            Homotopy properties of configuration spaces, Adams-Novikov spectral sequence, cobordism.
          • Efim Zelmanov
            Group theory, ring theory, Lie algebras.
      • Graham Ellis
        Homological algebra programming.
      • Delaram Kahrobaei
        Algebraic cryptography, applied algebra.
      • Temur Kutsia
        Unification, rule-based programming, rewriting, automated reasoning, symbolic computation techniques
        for unranked terms and hedges.
      • Susana Ladra González:
        Algorithms and data structures analysis and design, data compression, data mining, bioinformatics.
      • Xian-Ming Gu
        Numerical Linear Algebra; Numerical (fractional) PDEs; Computational Electromagnetics; Parallel-in-Time Methods.