Advanced Studies:
Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal
ISSN Online
2667 - 9930

Special Issue


Symbolic computation with Sage in mathematical education and research

Guest Editor:
Francisco Botana (U.Vigo,,

Associated Editor (from the Tbilisi Mathematical Journal board):
Tomas Recio (U. Cantabria,

  1. Foreword
    Francisco Botana, Tomas Recio, pp. 1-2
    PDF | Hyperlinked PDF
  2. Sage computations of sl2(k)-Levi extensions
    Pilar Benito, Daniel de-la-Concepción, pp. 3-17
    Abstract | PDF | Hyperlinked PDF
  3. On the Walsh-Hadamard transform of monotone Boolean functions
    Charles Celerier, David Joyner, Caroline Melles, David Phillips, pp. 19-35
    Abstract | PDF | Hyperlinked PDF
  4. Exercise templates with Sage
    Pedro Cruz, Paula Oliveira, Dina Seabra, pp. 37-44
    Abstract | PDF | Hyperlinked PDF
  5. Experiences in using Sage to integrate good study habits and problem solving techniques in engineering mathematics
    Linda Fahlberg-Stojanovska, Vitomir Stojanovski, Tim Fahlberg, pp. 45-53
    Abstract | PDF | Hyperlinked PDF
  6. Experimental evidence for Maeda’s conjecture on modular forms
    Alexandru Ghitza, Angus McAndrew, pp. 55-69
    Abstract | PDF | Hyperlinked PDF
  7. Plotting basins of end points of rational maps with Sage
    Luis Javier Hernandez Paricio, Miguel Mara�on Grandes, Maria Teresa Rivas Rodriguez, pp. 71-99
    Abstract | PDF | Hyperlinked PDF
  8. Numerical methods with Sage
    Lauri Ruotsalainen, Matti Vuorinen, pp. 101-119
    Abstract | PDF | Hyperlinked PDF
  9. Multilingual Sage
    Jordi Saludes, Sebastian Xambó, pp. 121-132
    Abstract | PDF | Hyperlinked PDF