Jorjadze George

Full Name
Jorjadze George
Department of Theoretical Physics, A.Razmadze Mathematical Institute, 1 Aleksidze Street, Tbilisi 0193, Georgia
+995 32 334217
+995 32 363180
Web Page
Date Of Birth
1970 – 1975, Student of the Physics Faculty, Tbilisi State University. 1975 – 1978, PhD student at Dept. of Quantum Field Theory of Steklov Math. Institute (Moscow). 1981, Candidate of Science (PhD), Steklov Mathematical Institute (Moscow). 1997, Doctor of Science (Professor in Physics and Mathematics), Tbilisi State University.
Leading Staff Member at Razmadze Mathematical Institute (since 1997).
The list of main publications during 1996-present: [1]H. Dorn, G. Jorjadze, Oscillator quantization of the massive scalar particle dynamics on AdS spacetime, Phys.Lett. B625 (2005) 117; hep-th/0507031. [2]H. Dorn, G. Jorjadze, On particle dynamics in AdSN+1 space-time, Fortschr. Phys. 53 (2005) 486; hep-th/0502081. [3]G. Jorjadze, G. Weigt, The Liouville Field Theory Zero-Mode Problem, Theor. Math. Phys. 139 (2004) 654; Teor. Mat.Fiz. 139 (2004) 245. [4]G. Jorjadze, S-matrix, vertex operators and correlation functions of Liouville theory, Fortschr. Phys. 52, (2004) 555. [5]G. Jorjadze, G. Weigt, Correlation functions and vertex operators of Liouville theory, Phys.Lett. B581, (2004 )133; hep-th/0311202. [6]G. Jorjadze, G. Weigt, Poisson Structure and Moyal Quantisaton of the Liouville Theory, Nucl.Phys.B 619, (2001) 232; hep-th/0105324. [7]C. Ford, G. Jorjadze, G. Weigt, Causal Poisson Brackets of the SL(2,R) WZNW Model and its Coset Theories, Phys.Lett. B 514, (2001) 413; hep-th/0106060. [8]C. Ford, G. Jorjadze, G. Weigt, Integration of the SL(2,R)/U(1) Gauged WZNW Theory by Reduction and Quantum Parafermions, Theor.Math.Phys.128, (2001) 1046; Teor.Mat.Fiz.128, (2001) 249; hep-th/0003246. [9]G. Jorjadze, W. Piechocki, Particle dynamics on hyperboloid and unitary representation of SO(1,N) group, Phys. Lett. B 476, (2000) 134; gr-qc/9912006. [10]G. Jorjadze, W. Piechocki, Particle in Curved 2d Spacetime, Lect. Notes Phys. 539, (2000) 245. [11]G. Jorjadze, W. Piechocki, Massless particle in 2d spacetime with constant curvature, Phys. Lett. B 448, (1999) 203; hep-th/9812199. [12]G. Jorjadze, W. Piechocki, Geometry of 2d spacetime and quantization of particle dynamics, Phys. Lett. B 461, (1999) 183; gr-qc/9811094. [13]G. Jorjadze, W. Piechocki, Relativistic particle in the Liouville field, Teor. Mat. Fiz. 118, (1999) 183; hep-th/9709059. [14]G.Jorjadze, W.Piechocki, Dynamical Ambiguities in singular gravitational field, gr-qc/9709074. Class. Quantum Grav. 15, (1998) 41. [15]G. Jorjadze, Hamiltonian reduction and quantization on symplectic manifolds, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics 13, (1998) 1-98. [16]G. Jorjadze, Constrained quantization on symplectic manifolds and quantum distribution functions, J. Math. Phys. 38, (1997) 2851; hep-th/9606162. [17]G.Chechelashvili, G.Jorjadze, N.Kiknadze, Practical scheme of reduction to gauge invariant variables, Teor. Mat. Fiz. 109, (1996) 90. A complete list of publications is available at:
Conferences,contacts,other scientific and educational activities
-The 38th International Symposium Ahrensoop on the Theory of Elementary particles “Recent Developments in String/M-Theory and Field Theory”, Berlin-Schmoeckwitz, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 2006. -“O’Raifeartaigh Symposium on Non-Perturbative and Symmetry Methods in Field Theory”, Budapest, June 22-24, 2006. -“A Topical Conference on Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmology”, Miami-2005, 14-18 December 2005. -Opening colloquium, ZMP, Hamburg, October 22-25, 2005. -The 37th International Symposium Ahrensoop on the Theory of Elementary particles “Recent Developments in String/M-Theory and Field Theory”, Berlin-Schmoeckwitz, Aug. 23-27, 2004. -ISPM-2004, “Modern Problems of Theoretical Physics”, Tbilisi, Sept. 21-25, 2004. -The 36th International Symposium Ahrensoop on the Theory of Elementary particles “Recent Developments in String/M-Theory and Field Theory”, Berlin-Schmoeckwitz, 25-29 Aug., 2003 -Conference on Gauge Field Theory, Strings and Integrable Systems, Yerevan, 25-30 May, 2003. -The 35th International Symposium Ahrensoop on the Theory of Elementary particles “Recent Developments in String/M-Theory and Field Theory”, Berlin-Schmoeckwitz, Aug. 26-30, 2002. -ISPM-2002, School and Workshop: “Integrability in QFT and Quantum Statistics”, Tbilisi, Sept. 15-21, 2002. -ISPM-2002, Workshop on Particles and Cosmology, Tbilisi, Georgia, Sept. 8-14, 2002. -Euro Conference on Supersymmetry and Quantum Cosmology, 1-6 June, 2002. -XIII Workshop “Beyond the Standard Model”, Bad Honef, 12-15 March, 2001. Additional working experience during the last five years: Visiting scientist (up to 1 year): DESY Zeuthen, Germany (2001, 2002, 2003). Short term (up to 3 months) visits: -ICTP Trieste, Italy (2003, 2005); -MPI, AEI, Golm, Germany (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006); -ANL Argonne, USA (2005); -Humboldt Univ. Berlin, Germany (2004, 2005, 2006). Membership: – Associate member of ICTP, Trieste (1995-2000) – Senior associate of ICTP, Trieste (2003-2008) Lecturer for “Mathematical methods in theoretical physics”, Physics Faculty, Tbilisi State University 1997 – 2001 Professor 1987 – 1997 Associate Professor Supervisor of PhD students: 1987-89, 2002-04.
Participation in Grant Projects
-DFG (the grant from Germany) (2006), (2005), (2004), (2002-03), (2000-01) -GAS (the grant from Georgia) (2004-2005), (2000-2003), (1998-99) -GSRT (the grant from Greece) (2000-01) -INTAS (the grant from EU) (2001-04), (1997-2000), (1994-96) -JSPS (the grant from Japan) (1994-95) -RFBR (the grant from Russia) (2005), (2003-2004), (2000-2002), (1997-99).
Georgian, Russian, English.
Scientific interests
* Quantisation of gauge and constrained theories * Geometric quantisation, coherent state approach * Integrable systems
Current scientific activities
Quantization on boundary Liouville theory
Future work plans
Geometric and coherent state quantization of integrable models in 2d field theory (WZNW, Liouville,…)
Computational Sciences