Computing the dimension of a bipartition matrix
D. Freeman, R. Umble
The dimension of a bipartition matrix (BPM) is the sum of the dimensions of
its indecomposable factors. The dimension of an indecomposable BPM is the
sum of its row, column, and entry dimensions. To compute these dimensions, we
apply four routines of independent interest: (1) Factor a
bipartition as a product of indecomposables; (2) recover a bipartition from
its indecomposable factorization; (3) factor a BPM as a product of
indecomposables; and (4) compute the ``transpose-rotation''
(the column dimension of a BPM is the row dimension of its transpose-rotation).
Advanced Studies: Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, Vol. 18(1) (2025), pp. 85-110