Multiple solutions for a 2nth-order differential equation with Sturm-Liouville operator
M. Abolghasemi, D. Barilla, S. Heidarkhani and S. Moradi
Boundary value problems for higher-order nonlinear differential
equations have been important in the flexibility mechanics and
engineering physics. By using a variational method for a
2nth-order differential equation with Sturm-liouville operator
depending on a parameter λ, under some assumptions, we
verify the existence of at least three solutions when λ
lies in two exactly determined open intervals, respectively. In
our work, we shall look for local minima for the Euler functional
correspondent to the problem. Meanwhile, as an application of our
results, an example is given.
Advanced Studies: Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, Vol. 18(1) (2025), pp. 211-225