Generalized Moore spectra and Hopkins' Picard groups for a smaller chromatic level

R. Kato, Y. Kawamoto, H. Okajima, K. Shimomura

Let Ln for a positive integer n denote the stable homotopy category of vn-1BP-local spectra at a prime number p. Then, M. Hopkins defines the Picard group of Ln as a collection of isomorphism classes of invertible spectra, whose exotic summand Pic0(Ln is studied by several authors. In this paper, we study the summand for n with n2 ≤ 2p+2. For n2 ≤ 2p-2, it consists of invertible spectra whose K(n)-localization is the K(n)-local sphere. In particular, X is an exotic invertible spectrum of Ln if and only if X ⋀ MJ is isomorphic to a vn-1BP-localization of the generalized Moore spectrum MJ for an invarinat regular ideal J of length n. For n with 2p-2 < n 2 ≤ 2p+2, we consider the cases for (p, n) = (5, ) and (7, 4). In these cases, we characterize them by the Smith-Toda spectra V(n-1). For this sake, we show that L3V(2) at the prime five and L4V(3) at the prime seven are ring spectra.

Advanced Studies: Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, Vol. 17(2) (2024), pp. 91-109