Products of three Fibonacci numbers that are repdigits
M. Alan, K. Simsek Alan
Let (Fn)n≤0 be a Fibonacci sequence. A non-negative integer whose digits are all equal is called a repdigit
and any non-zero repdigit is of the form a ( 10d-1 / 9 ) where 1≤a≤9 and 1≤d.
In this paper, we search all repdigits that can be written as products of three Fibonacci numbers. As a mathematical expression,
we find all non-negative integer solutions (n,m,l,a,d) of the Diophantine equation
FnFmFl = a ( 10d-1 / 9 ), 1≤l≤m≤n and 1≤a≤9.
Advanced Studies: Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, Vol. 16(4) (2023), pp. 57-66