On the concrete representation of discrete enriched abstract clones

M. Fiore

We consider discrete enriched abstract clones and provide two constructions investigating their representation as discrete enriched clones of operations on objects in concrete enriched categories over the enriching category. Our first construction embeds a discrete enriched abstract clone into the concrete discrete enriched clone of operations on an object in the enriching category. Our second construction refines the given embedding by introducing a monoid action and restricting attention to the concrete discrete enriched clone of its equivariant operations. As in the classical theory of abstract clones, our main focus is on discrete enriched abstract clones with finite arities. However, we also consider discrete enriched abstract clones with countable arities to show that the representation theory of the former is conceptually explained by that of the latter.

Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, Vol. 10(3) (2017), pp. 297-328